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Unimed System Sustainability Report







An integral part of our commitment to

accounts settlement and transparency

with our relationship public, this report

provides a compilation of sustainability

actions, practices and performance in-

dicators in the Unimed System in fiscal

year 2014. Having its preparation been

coordinated annually by the Unimed do

Brasil sustainability area, this materi-

al is a fundamental tool for the Unimed

System sustainability practices manage-

ment and communication.

[ G4-28


G4-29; G4-30


Zealing for excellence in the report exer-

cise, Unimed do Brasil employed the GRI

– Sustainability Report Guidelines, the G4

guidelines, for the second consecutive

year. Therefore, this report is in accor-

dance with the GRI-G4 “essential” option.



Unimeds have autonomous manage-

ment; therefore, all indicators presented

here are integral parts of the informa-

tion collection processes adherence to

which is voluntary. To build this materi-

al, most indicators have been collected

and consolidated in the Unimed Social

Balance, a tool adapted to the model of

Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e

Econômicas (Ibase) for the cooperatives

reality. Concerning the balance sheet

of fiscal year 2014, 231 Unimeds and

auxiliary companies completely filled

it out until this Report publication, con-

templating indicators from fiscal years

2014 and 2013. They represent 65.81%

of the Unimed System on December

31, 2014. Among the cooperatives and

companies integrating the Unimed

System, we also highlight the participa-

tion of CNU (Unimed National Center),

of Unimed Federations, and of Seguros



About this report

Over 17 years supporting the transition to

sustainable businesses, the GRI offers a

sustainability indicators standard leading

companies to consider the important as-

pects for a good business management. In

its newest version, the G4 guidelines uti-

lization enabled Unimed do Brasil to fo-

cus on the definition process of relevant

sustainability topics, also known as “ma-

terial topics”, which we believe to have

made this report more significant, reliable

and understandable. The material topics

definition process – which encompassed

a survey with our relationship public and

the building of a Materiality Matrix –

maybe checked in Exhibit II. It is import-

ant to point out that some information

contained herein have also been pub-

lished in the Management Report 2014

of Unimed do Brasil, which has been

certified according to the G4 guidelines

and is available on page





The Unimed System commitment to

sustainability has brought good fruits,

with many organizations appearing at

the good practices forefront. Therefore,

this report materializes the effort of each

cooperative and auxiliary company in

the insertion of good management prac-

tices. We invite you, dear reader, to leaf

through it and send us suggestions or


Contact for suggestions or doubts: [G4-31]